Scholars Reach Out to A Daycare Center in Apayao

Now on its sixth year of implementation, the scholars-initiated advocacy to help young learners and their learning centers or dubbed community outreach project was implemented in Magabta in Kabugao, Apayao. Normally in December, the scholars’ COP for 2018 was held on the first week of January and third week of May in 2019, due to bad weather condition which makes it difficult to cross the river going to the day care center.

A collaboration of current scholars, which was spearheaded by scholars from Kabugao, the project helped the students in Barangay Magabta. A total of eight scholars, five student volunteers and two staff joined the outreach.

School kits and goodies were distributed to 60 daycare and elementary learners. The day care center was repainted by scholar volunteers and foundation staff. Medicine kit and learning resources such as visually interesting charts, story books, posters and other materials were also handed over to daycare center teacher Estrella Batlong.