Empowering TPEF Scholars Through Alumni Group

On May 1, 2017, at least 85 scholars, TPEF personnel, volunteers and guests converged to witness the launching of the TPEF Scholars Alumni Association. The activity included the induction of officers, pledge of commitment of the 33 alumni scholars who attended the summit, presentation of their formulated vision and mission and an overview of their one-year (June 2017 to June 2018) Action Plan.

Getting Started

After informal talks during 2015 and 2016 learning summits and later, officially tabled it in November 2016 TPEF 2017-2021 Strategic Planning Workshop, the TPEF Scholars Alumni Association (TPEF SAA) was finally formed on April 30 and May 1, 2017.

pix 7 Alumni PlanningThe TPEF alumni scholars share ideas on what brings them together.

On April 30, the 35 alumni scholar-participants engaged in a series of workshops and plenary discussions to define the vision, mission, and action plan for one year, facilitated by Marte Rodriguez. They finalized the list of officers, as well as the roles, power, and responsibilities of each position. The group also identified the organizational chart, with the general assembly as the highest decision-making body.

Their Inspirations to Organize

Motivation to sustain the relationship of the group, reinforced by the annual learning summits, fueled the group, particularly the graduating scholars, to initiate establishing a formal organization among all scholars of the foundation. The ad hoc of scholars formed last November 2016 Strategic Planning Workshop led by graduate scholar Arvie Habay-Habay, supervised the election of officers through on-line voting.

“We want to extend good deeds and support the foundation’s mission,” stated by the alumni participants during the workshop. Through the alumni association, the ties between the alumni and the foundation is strengthened, and its involvement to further the TPEF’s advocacy continues.

Our Aspirations—“The Bases of Unity” of TPEF Scholars Alumni Association

At the level of the organization, the alumni scholars agreed that they aimed for a consolidated and productive group— coming up with plans, raising funds and ensuring that the alumni espouse the positive values instilled by TPEF.

Take actions. Help. Give back. Serve as inspiration and role models to scholars and other people. Continue the vision and mission of TPEF—these are what unite the alumni in organizing a formal association.

Thus, the group formulated the TPEF Alumni Association Vision, Resilient, socially responsible, environmentally concerned, and productive individuals that contribute to the welfare of the society.

Its mission statement, Influence individuals to engage in social and environmental concerns; and, Reach out to communities in need combined the values of inspiring and encouraging co-scholars and other people and the value of sharing.

pix 8 Alumni planning WSDuring the planning workshop, a group of alumni scholars identifies possible activities for the organizational aspect of the TPEF SAA.

The one-year plan addressed two major aspects, namely, for the organization and for the communities. It included the drafting of the Constitution & By-Laws for approval in next year’s alumni association general assembly, engaging the members and seeking their commitment.

Two community outreach projects in remote schools were identified, one in Mindanao and another in Luzon, to be implemented in January and March next year. As Shekina Viloria, the elected president of the TPEF AA said during the launching, “we know, from our own experience, the feeling of having nothing, and probably, we do not want other people to experience it. We are here, in our simple way, to help relieve them from such hardships.”

Pix 9 TPEF AlumniThe alumni scholars, including the elected officers, during their pledge of commitment to the vision and mission of the TPEF Alumni Association.

Elected officers included Shekina Viloria, President, Emmanuel Rey Lebanto, Vice-President, Allyza Bumanlag, Secretary, Val Jerwin Onato, Treasurer, Princess Shanese Gementiza, Michael Angelo Calipayan and Justin Juanata, Public Information Officers, Dieg Constantino (2007), Antonio Cadiz III (2008), Allyson Agustin (2009), Cherrylin Grado (2010) Aries Bacang (2011), Gabriel Noble (2012) and Jackson Sarmiento (2013), batch representatives.