TPEF Shares Goodness with Aeta Indigenous Children
On November 27 to 29, the TPEF team provided bags of goodies, school kits and shirts to 384 children of four schools in Aeta communities in Botolan, Zambales. The teachers and school children from Dojoc Balite School, Alao Elementary School (ES), Nacolcol ES, and Kainomayan Integrated School were very thankful for the assistance extended to them.
The lahar area going to Nacolcol, one of the remote Aeta communities in Botolan.
“An early Christmas gifts for the children of our Aeta brothers and sisters”, the teachers from Nacolcol said. The school, the most remote of the four areas which the team visited, is in the eastern part of Botolan. Due to good weather that day, the team was told that off-the-road vehicles for hire could pass the knee-deep rivers and streams along the vast lahar areas. It took them around one-hour- and-a- half rough ride going to Nacolcol. Normally, locals would walk for seven hours or more to reach their community.